Just4All – Adult Education for a Just Transition

Just4All – Adult Education for a Just Transition

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? Just4All is an EU-funded initiative promoting a just transition through inclusive and innovative lifelong learning and adult education. The action’soverall objective is to support an inclusive recovery and digital and green transitions in Europe. More specifically, it aims to develop integrated, inclusive, and innovative adult learning and education (ALE) models…

Gap Assessment of the European Green Deal

Gap Assessment of the European Green Deal

This report includes the gaps and the recommendations for policy-makers to bring the European Green Deal closer to citizens Main objectives of the report Key gaps and recommendations for policy-makers To ensure complementarity with policy processes and frameworks and adequate monitoring and accountability of the EGD: To address the unsustainable impacts of production and consumption beyond the EU’s borders:…

Strengthening Citizen Participation in the Future of Democracy – Civil Society Days ’23
News and statements

Strengthening Citizen Participation in the Future of Democracy – Civil Society Days ’23

Strengthening Citizen Participation in the Future of Democracy – Civil Society Days ’23 Citizens having more room to guide the discussions and having more participation in decision-making processes are key aspects to ensure the future of participatory and deliberative democracy within the EU. In early March, during the EESC Civil Society Days, the Workshop Session…