European Union and Latin America: Towards a Just Transition focused Partnership
News and statements

European Union and Latin America: Towards a Just Transition focused Partnership

On July 7th, the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission issued a Joint Communication to the European Parliament and the Council “A New Agenda for Relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean”.   The New Agenda focuses on 6 main areas to enhance the cooperation between the two regions: 1)…

ECHO Network Study Visit Brussels – Active Education and Ethical Digital Tools
News and statements

ECHO Network Study Visit Brussels – Active Education and Ethical Digital Tools

ECHO Network Study Visit Brussels – Active Education and Ethical Digital Tools From 12 and 15 June, the second Study Visit in the framework of the ECHO Network project took place in Brussels, organised by SOLIDAR Foundation’s partner CEMÉA Belgium. The ECHO Network project is based on exchanging experiences and best practices in achieving the vision…

Upskilling & Empowering Civil Society: Results from the IMAGES project
News and statements

Upskilling & Empowering Civil Society: Results from the IMAGES project

Upskilling & Empowering Civil Society: Results from the IMAGES project The IMAGES (I Manage and Empower My Skills) project was concluded with a final conference “Upskilling & Empowering Civil Society” in Brussels on the 8th of June 2023. Member organisations representatives and various stakeholders took part to discuss the results of the project in the framework…

Policy Brief: Enhancing Territorial Justice through the Territorial Just Transition Plans

Policy Brief: Enhancing Territorial Justice through the Territorial Just Transition Plans

The acceleration of extreme weather events highlights more than ever the need for a transition towards a carbon-neutral economy and society. Yet, such a transition, which is needed within a span of just a few decades, is not without risks. Such upheavals could mean that workers in sectors undergoing rapid change could find their jobs threatened if nothing is done. As…

SOLIDAR at the Beyond Growth Conference 2023 – How to build a socio-ecological welfare state?
News and statements

SOLIDAR at the Beyond Growth Conference 2023 – How to build a socio-ecological welfare state?

SOLIDAR at the Beyond Growth Conference 2023 – How to build a socio-ecological welfare state? What does it mean concretely to move towards a socio-ecological state? What social and fiscal policies are needed? And how can it guarantee all the elements necessary to a good life in sustainable economic systems? On 15 May 2023, SOLIDAR’s…