Education Policy Pill: Global Citizenship Education (GCE)
Training Material

Education Policy Pill: Global Citizenship Education (GCE)

Global Citizenship Education (GCE) has been a central topic to the work of SOLIDAR Foundation membership across Europe and beyond. SOLIDAR Foundation strives to achieve social justice through education, ensuring that all learners have access to quality, public education that is done in a lifelong and lifewide manner. GCE is recognised as political education on a global scale which…

ECHO Network: The use of internet for the peace movement | Zagreb, Croatia
News and statements

ECHO Network: The use of internet for the peace movement | Zagreb, Croatia

ECHO Network: The use of internet for the peace movement | Zagreb, Croatia The final Study Visit of the ECHO Network project took place in Zagreb, Croatia. From 4 to 8 December, participants took part in activities organised by the Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) and explored the topics of digital spaces in the framework of anti-war movement.    The…

Civil society organisations strategize on a social and ecological transition ahead of the 2024 European Elections
News and statements

Civil society organisations strategize on a social and ecological transition ahead of the 2024 European Elections

As the EU prepares for the upcoming European Parliament elections, representatives from diverse civil society organisations (CSOs) across Europe came together to discuss emerging issues and narratives for Europe to ensure a just social and ecological transition. The Civil Society Forum is a space for CSOs and other stakeholders from across Europe to come together and exchange views on the…

Food deliverer cycling on the right side of the picture
News and statements

CSOs respond to big digital platforms’ narrative and call for a Directive that upholds social rights

CSOs RESPOND TO BIG DIGITAL PLATFORM’S NARRATIVE AND CALL FOR A DIRECTIVE THAT UPHOLDS SOCIAL RIGHTS Ahead of the trilogue discussion on the Directive for improving working conditions in platform work on 12th December, SOLIDAR joined forces with Social Platform the European Youth Forum and CECOP and published a statement in which we stress that…

LLLWeek 2023 | Weeklong discussions on education and lifelong learning & the sixth European Education Summit
News and statements

LLLWeek 2023 | Weeklong discussions on education and lifelong learning & the sixth European Education Summit

It’s that time of year again! From 27 November until 1 December the Lifelong Learning Week organised by the Lifelong Learning Platform took place in Brussels. The LLLWeek aims to raise awareness on lifelong learning’s capacity to answer many challenges of modern societies and has become a milestone in the European education agenda, thanks to the support of…

LLLWeek 2023: Citizenship Competences in the European Year of Skills
News and statements

LLLWeek 2023: Citizenship Competences in the European Year of Skills

LLLWeek 2023: Citizenship Competences in the European Year of Skills On 29 November SOLIDAR Foundation participated in the CITIZED Policy Discussion organized by OBESSU, FREREF and IIHL. The event was hosted in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Platform’s (LLLP) Lifelong Learning Week 2023 and took a closer look at the CITIZED policy recommendations on citizenship education. CITIZED aims to increase and improve…