SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe

SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe

This project is closed and ran between 2020 and 2023. WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? The project SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe – aims to achieve inclusive higher education by providing higher education institutions with the tools to deal with diversity and social inclusion. WHY? The first principle of…

Briefing Paper 95 – Protecting the most vulnerable in society: Migration and COVID-19

Briefing Paper 95 – Protecting the most vulnerable in society: Migration and COVID-19

April 7, 2020 In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (MRAs) lack access to health institutions and, if living in refugee camps and in reception centres, they live in close, confined spaces where social distancing is not possible. How can they be asked to perform this act of social responsibility…