Commodifying education through assessment: LLLWeek21 workshop
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Commodifying education through assessment: LLLWeek21 workshop

On 2 December, SOLIDAR Foundation organised a workshop in the frame of the LLLWeek21, titled “Commodifying education through assessment”. The 11th edition of the LLLWeek has reaffirmed itself as one of the most important annual gatherings of education providers promoting lifelong learning in Europe, and has doubled down on the link between assessment used in education and wellbeing of learners and educators. The LLLWeek marked also the publication of the Lifelong Learning Platform’s (LLLP) annual position paper, which…

The First European Education for Climate Day!
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The First European Education for Climate Day!

Today, on 25 November 2021, the European Commission has launched the first Education for Climate Day, celebrating all education practitioners around Europe that work on education for environmental sustainability and its adjacent topics. The Day was marked by an online event organized by the European Commission to facilitate the sharing of good practices across education…

The Solidarity Labs keep spreading across Europe!
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The Solidarity Labs keep spreading across Europe!

The Solidarity Labs keep spreading across Europe! The project valUE – Solidarity Matters funded by Europe for Citizens keeps engaging the citizenry across Europe in a collective reflection on the importance of Solidarity! Over 200 people have been involved in the Solidarity Labs organised over the past few months in Greece, Cyprus and Romania, leading to over 10 definitions of Solidarity that started feeding…

SOLIDAR Foundation Statement on the state of the civic space in Europe
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SOLIDAR Foundation Statement on the state of the civic space in Europe

SOLIDAR Foundation Statement on the state of the civic space in Europe The second annual Study Visit of SOLIDAR Foundation (12 – 14 July) addressed the issue of the state of the civic space in Europe thanks to the interventions of external experts and the exchange of experiences, common challenges and lessons learned by members and partners across Europe.  SOLIDAR’s…

TRANSVAL – EU: Survey on innovative initiatives for the validation of transversal skills
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TRANSVAL – EU: Survey on innovative initiatives for the validation of transversal skills

TRANSVAL – EU: Survey on innovative initiatives for the validation of transversal skills The EU-funded project TRANSVAL-EU, in which SOLIDAR Foundation is a partner, is a European policy experimentation concerning innovative approaches for the validation of transversal skills obtained in non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) contexts, including guidance services.  “Transversal skills and competences (TSCs) are learned and…

ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake?
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ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake?

ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake? The second annual Study Visit of SOLIDAR Foundation took place online from 12 to 14 July. This year, the Study Visit provided members and partners with an overview of the state of play of the civic space in Europe, thanks to the interventions of external experts as well…

SMILE Project website is now launched!
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SMILE Project website is now launched!

SMILE is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme under KA3 – Social inclusion and common values, aiming to promote inclusive education by developing, testing and implementing innovative tools that improve the way higher education institutions deal with diversity and social inclusion. The project focuses on three main areas of inequality and disadvantage in higher…