Is observance all we can do? Support teachers & quality education for all! International Day of Education
News and statements

Is observance all we can do? Support teachers & quality education for all! International Day of Education

Is observance all we can do? Support teachers & quality education for all! International Day of Education With a shorter history that Teacher’s Day, the International Day of Education (24 January) was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as such in 2018. The reason was to celebrate the role of education in bringing global…

Just Transition Monitor – Mapping the state of Just Transition in the European Union
News and statements

Just Transition Monitor – Mapping the state of Just Transition in the European Union

December 13, 2021 How do certain EU countries approach the issue of ‘Just Transition’? Do they have national Just Transition strategies? Did Just Transition only reach their national agenda recently? Is Just Transition present in their National Recovery and Resilience Plans? And what is the view of of national civil society and trade unions on Just Transition? SOLIDAR’s first ever Just…

The Porto Social Summit is yet another step to a Social Europe
News and statements

The Porto Social Summit is yet another step to a Social Europe

The Porto Social Summit is yet another step to a Social Europe This weekend, apart from the 71st celebration of Europe Day, the Social Summit in Porto (Portugal) was a crucial event, 4 years after the establishment of the Pillar of Social Rights. The Declaration and Commitments emanating from the meeting, including the resounding commitment to the EPSR Action Plan, together with trade unions and civil…

VALUE | Solidarity Matters 

VALUE | Solidarity Matters 

This project is closed and ran between 2021 and 2022. WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? ValUE – Solidarity Matters is a Europe for Citizens funded project withing the strand Civil Society Projects. The project provides with a deeper understanding for the participants involved of the role of solidarity for societal well-being. WHY? Through the Solidarity…

Social Rights Monitor 2020 – European Trends

Social Rights Monitor 2020 – European Trends

November 30, 2020 SOLIDAR and Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) publish the European Trends of the Social Rights Monitor 2020. This document was discussed during the celebration of the annual conference “Joining Forces for a socially sustainable post-Covid Europe”. The second edition of this flagship publication complements the European Semester’s indicators with insights on the state of social rights and civic space across 17 countries in Europe, based…