Left behind?: Maquila workers in Central America and the COVID19 crisis
News and statements

Left behind?: Maquila workers in Central America and the COVID19 crisis

Left behind?: Maquila workers in Central America and the COVID19 crisis About 400.000 people working in the maquilas (factories in the free trade zone) in Central America, are at risk to be left behind due to the coronavirus crisis. The group includes mostly women, many of them poor, with low level of education, single mothers, head of…

Impact of COVID-19 in Central America: Economic and Social Rights cannot be kept on hold!
News and statements

Impact of COVID-19 in Central America: Economic and Social Rights cannot be kept on hold!

Impact of COVID-19 in Central America: Economic and Social Rights cannot be kept on hold! SOLIDAR members in Central America joined together to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on the region, looking particularly to economic and social rights – enabling environment, decent work and access to health. This analysis also includes recommendations to the European Union to…

OPEN LETTER: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy
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OPEN LETTER: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy

OPEN LETTER: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation, along with 80 MEPs and civil society organisations ( amongst them Transparency International EU, European Humanist Federation, Access Info Europe, The Good Lobby, Corporate Europe Observatory , ILGA-Europe , WeMove Europe,  Alliance4Europe), has signed an open letter to the European Commission and the European Council,…

Briefing Paper 95 – Protecting the most vulnerable in society: Migration and COVID-19

Briefing Paper 95 – Protecting the most vulnerable in society: Migration and COVID-19

April 7, 2020 In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (MRAs) lack access to health institutions and, if living in refugee camps and in reception centres, they live in close, confined spaces where social distancing is not possible. How can they be asked to perform this act of social responsibility…

Deadline extended for Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals – submit by 27 April!
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Deadline extended for Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals – submit by 27 April!

Deadline extended for Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals – submit by 27 April! ENG  Due to the current situation of COVID-19, SOLIDAR Organising International SOLIDARity Steering Group has decided to postpone the deadline for its Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals. The new deadline to submit proposals is 27 April 2020, 24.00h Brussels time.  This will allow to mitigate the obstacles that CSOs,…

#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities
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#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities

#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities In a communication on 28th March 2020, the MAJALAT consortium announced: “Due to the exceptional circumstances linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and based on recommendations from public health authorities, the Majalat Consortium announced the postponement of all the thematic workshops which were to be held in the period…

“Protect our laws and humanity!” Open Letter by +120 Organisations on EU-Turkey border
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“Protect our laws and humanity!” Open Letter by +120 Organisations on EU-Turkey border

To:  Athens, 6 March 2020 – The undersigned organisations are deeply concerned about recent developments at the Evros border and the Aegean islands where people are stranded at the borders of Europe, instrumentalized for political purposes, and subject to violations of their rights. We are also deeply concerned about the way the authorities of Greece and…

SIRIUS project publication: Social Partners – enablers and barriers for newcomers’ integration
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SIRIUS project publication: Social Partners – enablers and barriers for newcomers’ integration

On 2 March 2020, the SIRIUS (Skill and integration of migrants, refugees and asylum applicants in the European Labour Markets) project Consortium has released the fruition of 6 months-worth of research run by researchers from the Glasgow Caledonian University on social partners’ role in the integration of migrants and refugees in the labour market. Comprising…