Building a fair and sustainable Europe together

Together, we can build a Europe that protects people and the planet – starting now

After the 2024 European elections, we choose to see the glass half full: the democratic centre has held its ground. Having won this election, the conservative parties hold the key to this cooperation. But the progressive forces will be important partners and should make the most of their weight. 

For the past year, SOLIDAR has campaigned for social justice though a socially just green transition. As election night passes, we launch a new phase of advocacy. The far right’s rise highlights the urgent need for bold social policies, addressing living costs, job security, and inequality without scapegoating.

SOLIDAR remains committed to social justice, democracy, climate action, and an economy that benefits all. Our role as a civil society movement is crucial.

Read our Manifesto in the other languages available: Italian, Spanish, German, French, and Croatian.

A socially just transition at the heart of all policies

A just transition is a holistic and proactive concept that should encompass all of society and all policies. A just transition guarantees that we all have a place in the green transition and that the most vulnerable, poor, and marginalized are not sacrificed in the process.

End the growing inequalities breaking our social contract

We want a Europe that is defined by a wellbeing economy and a socioecological welfare state, guaranteeing a good life for all, and that uses its voice and place in global politics to reach this goal.

As millions sought refuge from Ukraine, Europe’s response showed its immense capacity and resilience. This powerful demonstration of welcoming and integrating people should spark a re-evaluation of migration policies and boost efforts towards a unified European approach to migration.

As millions sought refuge from Ukraine, Europe’s response showed its immense capacity and resilience. This powerful demonstration of welcoming and integrating people should spark a re-evaluation of migration policies and boost efforts towards a unified European approach to migration.

Education for all and with all

Education and lifelong learning are the bedrock of democracy. But today it is failing to deliver on these promises. Ensuring access to quality education for all is not only a matter of justice but also an investment in a brighter future for Europe.

Protect civic space and guarantee civil dialogue

SOLIDAR members empower citizens both locally and nationally. Their vital role in promoting social inclusion and cohesion, an integral part of our democratic fabric, should be recognised through their participation in policy-making processes.

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