Become a member
What do we offer our members?
When joining the SOLIDAR progressive network you are joining a family of over 50 likeminded civil society organisations across Europe and the world. You carry the strength of a collective that care of and support each other, learn from one another, and work together on issues of shared importance.
The Secretariat in Brussels is there to support you in your increased efforts to engage with EU level decision makers and provide access to and increase understanding for decision making processes and how they affect your country or region, as well as to facilitate contacts and relations with similar organisations internationally.
We offer you to be something more together than you are on your own, based on the realization that most of the greatest challenges of today need to be solved at the appropriate level, and that what happens at the European level matters for all of us.

Since SOLIDAR established its headquarters in Brussels in 1992 we have been successful in influencing the direction of the European project as a driving force of civil society of the progressive family. You can read more about SOLIDAR achievements HERE.
What does it mean to be a member?
As a member, you can expect the full support and assistance of the Secretariat on any matter that might interest you. This can relate to advocacy, policy, participation in projects, during visits to Brussels, or be it the Secretariat joining members’ national activities.
You will also be invited and expected to join members’ meetings, policy dialogues, capacity building and information updates, stakeholder events, joint projects, study visits, and coordinate collective action. If you are interested, you will also be able to stand for elections within the network’s governance structure.
This is what we call the full membership in SOLIDAR and it is our main membership category.
If you feel that you would like to get to know the network better before committing fully, there is also the possibility to apply for an affiliated membership. This is intended as a starting point for your engagement with the network rather than a permanent status. You will be invited to join shared activities, projects, and events, take part in shaping the policy of our network and more, but you will also have limited rights and cannot expect the same kind of support from the Secretariat for your ambitions and activities, and cannot stand for elections.
What do we expect from our members?
As a member of SOLIDAR, we expect a strong commitment and belief to our shared vision and strategy, your active engagement in our advocacy and policy work, openness to collaborate and share with the rest of the network and communicating your SOLIDAR membership and our positions. We are only as strong as a network as the commitment and activity of our members!
As a member of SOLIDAR, you subscribe to the vision, mission, and governing documents of SOLIDAR and you are organized in a way that reflects the values expressed therein. Please go through our By Laws, Internal rules, Code of Conduct, Organisational values, and our Multiannual strategy as reference documents.
You are also expected to pay a membership fee and to actively taking part in the constitutional matters of SOLIDAR, such as our Annual General Assembly.
Membership fee system
You pay a membership according to the size of your annual revenue.
How to apply
Applying for membership with SOLIDAR happens in four steps:
Please send an email to our Communication and Membership officer if you want us to set up a meeting. We will then contact you for a first discussion and interview to get to know each other better.
Should you wish to proceed with a formal application, you will be asked to fill in the following application form.
In this form, you will be expected to share the following information:
Based on this information the Board then will proceed to a decision. If we already have members in your country of origin we will confer with them as well to ask for their approval. A decision is then taken to approve your application or not. If approved your application will be presented to the Annual General Assembly for a final confirmation During this waiting period, you are able to enjoy the full benefits of a membership, but the membership fee will only be due after you have been confirmed by the AGA.