SOLIDAR Board of Directors 

Board members are nominated by SOLIDAR full members and elected by the Annual General Assembly. Board members are elected for a period of three years. 

The Board meets regularly throughout the year.

Klaus Thieme


SOLIDAR Suisse, Switzerland

Susanne Drake


Willi-Eichler-Akademie, Germany

Andrea Malpassi

International Cooperation Network (CGIL), Italy

Marta Iglesias López

Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad (MPDL), Spain

Simon Parkinson

WEA, United Kingdom

Thomas Carlhed

Olof Palme International Center (OPIC), Sweden

Rosario Sanchez

La Liga Española de la Educación y la Cultura Popular (La Liga Española), Spain

Antje Helbig

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband (AWO), Germany