Eleventh hour for the SDGs: A just and prosperous world is still within reach – what can Europe do next?

The third and final annual monitoring report provides a mid-term and forward-looking analysis of Europe’s implementation of the SDGs, assessing the EGD’s contribution to achieving these goals within the EU and in other countries. It monitors SDG progress based on the commitments of the main political parties following the 2024 European Parliament elections and integrates civil society recommendations from recent Civil Society Forum for Sustainability meetings.

The report focuses on the EU’s role in implementing the SDGs during the 2024–2029 mandate, offering a civil society assessment of the current state of play alongside actionable conclusions and recommendations for policymakers. Contributions from civil society partners are included to ensure comprehensive representation of SDG priorities, including demands for the future of citizens’ deliberation and the EGD.

The report draws insights from two key civil society forums organised within the framework of the Real Deal project in 2024: one preceding the European parliamentary elections in March and one following the elections in June, highlighting how civil society evaluated pre-election manifestos and formulated actionable demands post-election to bridge political promises with policy realities. These forums shaped civil society’s evaluation and recommendations, which are central to the report’s findings and provide critical guidance for aligning EU policies with sustainable development and citizen priorities.

Read more about the Annual Monitoring Report