Just4ALL to develop MOOC to Learn about and Act for a Just Transition

The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), together with the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) and supported by SOLIDAR, has begun to craft the Just4ALL Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Titled “Learning about and Acting for Just Transition”, the MOOC aims to empower organizations and individuals in Europe and beyond to champion sustainable and inclusive practices through lifelong learning (LLL) and adult education (AE). 

MOOCs are free online courses that offer the opportunity to learn new skills remotely and deliver quality educational experiences at scale. Addressing the just transition in Europe, the Just4ALL MOOC will provide a platform to exchange experience, build capacity and empower groups of learners in vulnerable situations, including migrants, women, and adults with low level of formal qualifications. It should reach at least 40 multipliers from non-formal adult education organizations, ensuring at least 50% women’s participation. 

Designed to be highly interactive and user-friendly, the tool will offer a diverse array of modules, including introductions to social innovation, adult learning and education, competencies for the future, awareness raising and establishing strategic partnerships, as well as innovative methods like gamification to foster engagement.  

It will be hosted on the EAEA’s Moodle platform learning.eaea.org, featuring webinars, forums, and a mix of live and self-study sessions, allowing participants to engage fully with the content and each other, enhancing the community learning experience. Finally, the Just4ALL MOOC will be produced in four languages—French, Greek, Swedish, and English—making it accessible to broader audiences.  

Through the Just4ALL MOOC, we are setting the stage for a transformative educational experience that is not only referring to the transfer of knowledge but also builds a robust community equipped to lead the way to achieve a just transition,” said Angeliki Giannakopoulou, Project Coordinator at EAEA.  

“Grounded in transformative learning theory, driven by knowledge sharing and research into diverse good practices, this MOOC will explore the meaning of education addressing environmental injustice, and empower adult education workers to be proactive in advancing social justice within the green transition.” said Majda Richer from ICAE.

We are committed to supporting learning tools and platforms that nurture skills and strategic partnerships, and foster systemic change in Europe and beyond”, added Mikael Leyi, SOLIDAR’s Secretary General

Enrollment for the MOOC will open in September 2024, with the full course expected to launch shortly thereafter. Participants who complete the course will receive certificates and can earn open badges for individual modules, acknowledging their contributions in promoting a just transition. 

Just4All, a two-year programme supported by the EU, was launched in November last year. Led by SOLIDAR, the consortium also includes the European Association for Adult Education (EAEA), the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), Arbetarnas bildningsförbund (ABF), Ireland’s National Adult Learning Organisation (AONTAS), the Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology (CARDET), and Ligue de l’Enseignement. 

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