Accent on a security approach is not the way

In its conclusions the European Council states: We are determined to further develop a fully functioning comprehensive migration policy. We will continue and deepen our cooperation with countries of origin and transit to fight illegal migration and human trafficking and to ensure effective returns. Concerning the internal dimension, we need agreement on an effective migration and asylum policy. A consensus needs to be found on the Dublin Regulation to reform it based on a balance of responsibility and solidarity, taking into account the people disembarked following Search and Rescue operations.

The security connotation for the new legislature appears immediately clear. The desire for a restrictive approach based on the entry of new comers is evident, rather than an inclusive one based on active policies for the integration of migrants in Europe. Once again the EU is talking about illegal migration, an unacceptable terminology that gives a nod to the extreme right and analyses the migration issue through a security lens. Manipulation will be easy some xenophobic governments, which will take the opportunity to call for more security and control in Europe. These same governments refuse to find a solution to the systemic impasse and were guilty of obstructionism during the Dublin reform negotiations.

Just yesterday during the Annual General Assembly, and on the occasion of World Refugee Day, SOLIDAR and its members have once again repeated the need for decriminalisation of migrants, to strengthen inclusive integration policies and to carefully monitor respect for the  fundamental rights of migrants and refugees. SOLIDAR members have kept the occasion of the World Refugees Day to underline once again their commitment to promote fair integration and social investment and to call for a deeper involvement of Member States and EU institution in the promotion of social policies and protection of rule of law. On this topic please read the Statement of our member MPDL and take a look to the campaign #ioaccolgo promoted by Arci.