In Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon: MAJALAT launches the 2020 subgranting activities

As part of the EU funded initiative MAJALAT to enhance dialogue between Southern neighborhood civil society and the European Union, five organisations from Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon, beneficiaries from the 2020 Small Grant Facility, will conduct different nationwide workshops on topics considered of common interest. The activities are taking place from 18th of September and until the 15th of December 2020.

SOLIDAR, as one of the MAJALAT partners, oversees the implementation and coordination of MAJALAT subgranting activities: 

  • Good Governance: the Lebanese Transparency Association, through the project “Let’s talk corruption” will conduct training workshops in LEBANON on fighting corruption and in transparency in aid, addressing nascent activists groups.  
  • Migration: In PALESTINEJORDAN and LEBANON, the Palestinian organisation  Witness Center for Citizens’ Rights and Social development, will be implementing the project “From the camp”, rasing awareness on the situation of refugees in the region, enhancing the role of media outlets in the process of refugees’ rights protection. 
  • Security and counter violencein TUNISIA,  Citoyenneté, Développement et Migration des Deux Rives (CDCMIR)  will implement the project ‘Fezza against extremisms” to tackle the appeal of violence and extremism in our societies, especially amongst young people. 
  • Climate and social justice: In Gaza, PALESTINECIVITAS will implement the project “The sea is ours 2020”, raising awareness in young people and campaigning on environmental protection and volunteering. 
  • Economic development and social dialogueIn EGYPT, the Center for Trade Union and Workers Services (CTUWS) will hold different online training sessions aimed at Egyptian independent trade unions, to encourage economic and social dialogue. 

As result of these activities, a policy paper, with recommendation on each one of the topics, will be published to contribute to the structured dialogue within MAJALAT.  

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