A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America

In the framework of the DEVCO – SOLIDAR Framework Partnership Agreement “Organising International SOLIDARity”,  70 civil society organisations and trade unions, representing 18 countries from Latin America and Europe, met in Bogotá (Colombia) from 8  to 10 November, to  exchange knowledge, and identify practices and possible joint action to promote the realisation of Economic and Social Rights in the region.

Further to discussions in different working groups, participants developed a joint declaration structured around six themes:

  1. Democracy, civic space and trade union freedoms          
  2. Economy and Sustainable Development
  3. Land and Common Goods
  4. Life Free from Violence
  5. Youth policy
  6. Peace

During the event – jointly organised by SOLIDAR, the Belgian Trade Union Development Cooperation Institute of the trade union confederation FGTB, the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA), and FES Americas –  participants reiterated the commitment to keep strengthening alliances and cooperation between trade union organisations, NGOs, rural workers movements, indigenous peoples, youth, women, migrants, at all levels, from local to global, acting in a coordinated manner for the realisation of Economic and Social Rights.

Read the Joint Declaration below – Organizando #SolidaridadInternacional

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