Sustainability through SOLIDAR(ity). SOLIDAR Network contribution to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and worldwide

SOLIDAR believes that the transformative vision of the 2030 Agenda offers a great chance to shift away from the current (unsustainable) development model that has put at its center economic growth, has led to growing inequalities, to the destruction of the environment, to a great concentration of power in few hands and that is exacerbating social conflicts and putting into question our model of democracy.

SOLIDAR members – working within Europe and worldwide – are already contributing to this (social, environmental and economic transformation) by promoting:

  • a strong human rights-based approach as well as,
  • collective empowerment and independent and representative CSOs able to work and contribute to advocate, monitor, and raise awareness on the SDG at local, national and regional levels.

This booklet brings together examples of this ongoing work, by highlighting innovative approaches to bring transformative change in:

  • the fight against inequalities; as well as in the promotion of
  • decent work;
  • gender equality;
  • education and training; and
  • sustainable consumption and production.

Gathering 17 case studies from SOLIDAR Members and partners, the publication aims to show that through innovative approaches aimed at empowering people, building collective action and promoting rights, real change can be produced.

These solidarity initiatives carried out by SOLIDAR Members and Partners aim at creating awareness and building capacities, and at bringing people’s voices and knowledge into collective action, thus ensuring that no one is left behind, including the most marginalized.

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