Make Europe Sustainable for All: a growing movement to fight inequalities

In the past decades, inequalities, both between and within countries, have significantly increased in Europe as well as globally. The global financial (and subsequently economic) crisis started in 2008 has further contributed to this trend as the political response has concentrated on austerity policies with a direct impact on people’s everyday lives.

The need for a critical shift away from the current unsustainable development model  obsessed with the market and with economic growth –which has led to growing inequalities, increased the suffering of people and led to the destruction of the environment, including contributing to accelerating climate change – is reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the inclusion in its 17 goals of a specific one on inequality: SDG 10.

In the framework of the Make Europe Sustainable for All Campaign, launched this week, SOLIDAR, together with GCAP and World Vision International is engaged in the #FightInequalitesCampaign with the objective of contributing to achieve SDG 10 and its targets.

SOLIDAR believes that:

  • Fighting inequalities is a moral obligation but it is also beneficial for our economies, our social wealth, our environment and our democracies.  Indeed, inequality severely hampers economic as well as individual and social human development.
  • Inequality undermines the quality of our democracies (SDG 16): evidence shows that the more a society becomes unequal, the more it is polarised and radicalised.
  • Reducing inequalities requires public policies aimed at strengthening the welfare state and social protection systems and increased social investments.

There is a growing movement from all across Europe to build an inclusive, sustainable, and progressive future for all: Make Europe Sustainable for All.

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