AFGHANISTAN: A humanitarian and rights crisis


Last month we witnessed a humanitarian and political crisis unfold in Afghanistan as the Taliban regime regained control over the country in a swift, landslide victory following the withdrawal of foreign troops. Once again, the country is now ruled by a violent and dangerously intolerant regime, alien to humanism and progressive values. SOLIDAR stands in solidarity with all the Afghan and foreign personnel who continues to work on the ground in defense of human rights and freedoms and in spite of the dire circumstances.

Instead of talking about the need for solidarity and the remaining responsibilities for the more than 18 million Afghans in need of humanitarian aid, most EU leaders focus their speeches on the need to block Afghan migrants from reaching Europe and for an end to aid to Afghanistan. This in a country where so many EU countries have invested so much for so long.

While the situation keeps evolving on the ground, we, EU civil society organisations, will do our utmost to put pressure on our elective representatives to act. With a near consensus position from EU leaders, anti-migrant rhetoric is spreading based on the perceived threat of a new “refugee crisis”. A propaganda against humanitarian aid and international development cooperation is slanders and impedes the hard work that international and local NGOs, civil society and activists carry out locally and regionally.

SOLIDAR calls for maintaining humanitarian corridors, offering international protection for asylum seekers from Afghanistan as well as continued humanitarian aid to avoid castigating the Afghan people twice in a future catastrophe. The EU needs to act now, with a special responsibility for those member states who were involved in the war effort.

We want to see: 

  • A stop to all deportations and push backs at the EU borders;
  • Guaranty of asylum and protection to Afghans already in the EU; 
  • Speed up the process of family reunifications, expanding the cover to a wider circle of family members;
  • Secure humanitarian corridors for those escaping and seeking refuge in Europe;
  • Continue providing financial aid and humanitarian support on the ground.

We also invite our members to get together and join in pressuring EU institutions and national governments to act in solidarity and in respect of human rights, showing that a welcoming and open Europe exists.

If you want to support this call for action and join forces with SOLIDAR and other members, fill in the details of your organisation HERE.

You will receive an email from SOLIDAR Secretariat with more details.

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