Social Rights in Europe


The climate and environmental emergency, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, followed by high inflation and the cost of living crisis have exacerbated existing inequalities and discriminations in Europe. The accelerating digital and green transitions will further test the resilience of Europe’s welfare systems and its ability to safeguard equality and equity for everyone. 

The European Union (EU) is based on social progress, the fight against inequalities, the creation of fair working conditions, and a system of social protection based on solidarity. However, universal access to social rights is still far from being a reality. 

Indeed, marginalised people – including people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, racialised people, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, women, LGBTQI+ people, people with disabilities, young people, precarious workers, and many others – face barriers to accessing social rights such an adequate minimum income, equal and decent pensions and wages, quality basic services, equal opportunities, and fair working and living conditions.


The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) is the roadmap to advance a socially just Europe. However, its principles should be translated into ambitious policy to bring about the structural changes needed to reduce inequality and discrimination. Moreover, the EU should ensure the consistency of different policies areas such as the EPSR, the European Green Deal, and other policies such as migration and inclusion.
The EU economic governance should be an enabler of social justice. In this regard, the  European Semester should be reformed to give priority to social and economic objectives in order to promote an economic model that protects people and the planet. This also entails channelling massive investments in our welfare systems, and implementing progressive and redistributive taxation.


SOLIDAR foster alliances, and provide capacity-building and expertise to its members and partners in order to build a socially just Europe. 

Together with its members, SOLIDAR advocates for:

The Social Rights Monitor is SOLIDAR’s main tool to assess the implementation of the EPSR at national level through the experience of its national members and to formulate corresponding policy recommendations to policymakers.

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Social Rights in Europe

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